Exploring The Startling Connection Between Mental Health And Social Media Usage

Social media is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way people communicate and interact with one another. It helps to bridge distances, facilitate conversations, and connect people from different walks of life. However, it can also have a negative effect on our mental health if used excessively or in an inappropriate manner. Mental health is essential for overall well-being, affecting physical health as well as psychological wellness. Achieving a balance between social media usage and other aspects of life such as work, relationships, leisure activities, etc., is important for maintaining optimal mental health. This blog will explore the startling connection between mental health issues and social media use by looking at underlying causes, associated problems, and strategies to reduce their impact on us.

Underlying Causes of Mental Health Issues

One of the underlying causes of mental health issues is unrealistic comparison. Social media can often lead people to compare their lives with those of others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. This ‘comparison culture’ is particularly prominent on platforms such as Instagram, where users are presented with an idealised version of life, which can be difficult to measure up against. It is important for us to remember that what we see online may not necessarily reflect reality or truth and instead focus on developing a healthy body image and positive relationships with ourselves.


Excessive time spent on social media can also contribute to mental health issues in various ways. Firstly, it takes away from other activities such as exercise or social interactions in person, which are essential for our psychological well-being. Secondly, research has found links between prolonged usage and depression due to its tendency to increase negative emotions such as envy or loneliness when used excessively. Finally, spending too much time scrolling through feeds may mean missing out on real-life moments that could have been enjoyed if one was more present in the moment instead of being preoccupied by a screen device.


The ‘pressure for perfection’ is another issue that affects many individuals who use social media regularly. There seems to be an overwhelming expectation among some users to maintain perfect profiles filled with seemingly unattainable standards; this puts pressure on them to achieve these ideals while neglecting other aspects of their lives, which can eventually take a toll on mental well-being over time. Strategies like unfollowing accounts associated with higher levels of anxiety-inducing content or setting boundaries around how much time you spend online each day may help reduce the impact this pressure has.

Overall, it is clear that there exists a connection between excessive social media use and different types of mental health problems. By understanding how our behaviour impacts our psychological wellness, we will be able to equip ourselves better to manage any potential risks associated with using digital technology responsibly.

Mental Health Problems Associated With Social Media Use

Cyberbullying and online harassment are two common mental health issues associated with social media use. Cyberbullying is defined as using digital technology to harass, threaten, or humiliate someone else. It can take many forms, including sending derogatory messages, spreading rumors, or posting hateful comments on others’ posts. Unfortunately, this can have serious psychological implications for victims, who may suffer from depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem as a result of such treatment.

Depression is a mental health issue that is often linked with social media usage. Prolonged exposure to negative content can lead individuals into a spiral of despair, where feelings like hopelessness and sadness become increasingly overwhelming over time. Anxiety, too, has been found to be one of the most commonly reported mental health problems associated with excessive usage of social networking sites. Anxiety disorders involve persistent fearfulness about situations that may not necessarily present an imminent threat; they affect around 18% of American adults every year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). 

Further, addiction also appears frequently when discussing the potential risks posed by heavy reliance on digital technologies for communication purposes. We all know how easy it can be get hooked onto scrolling through our feeds but what might start off as harmless entertainment can quickly turn into something more problematic if one finds themselves unable control their urge check notifications obsessively throughout the day. If left unchecked, this compulsive behaviour may even

Tips To Avoid Mental Health Issues Caused By Social Media Use

In order to avoid mental health issues caused by excessive social media use, setting limits and following them is key. Allocating a certain amount of time throughout the day for scrolling through feeds or engaging in conversations online can prevent us from getting overwhelmed with content while also allowing us to focus on more important tasks such as work or family obligations.

It is also helpful to take regular breaks away from devices, whether it be reading a book, going for a walk, or engaging in physical activity; this allows us some much-needed breathing room where we can practice being present instead of worrying about what’s happening online.

Finally, if these strategies prove inadequate, then seeking professional help may be necessary. Talking therapy has proven effective at helping individuals overcome anxiety-related problems resulting from prolonged exposure to digital technology, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you think you need extra support!


In conclusion, it is evident that social media has a powerful influence on our mental health. It can be both beneficial and detrimental, depending on how we use it. We should strive to maintain balance between digital technology usage and other aspects of life such as work, relationships, leisure activities, etc., in order to maximize the positive impact of social media while mitigating any potential risks associated with using it excessively. By recognizing the warning signs early and taking measures like setting limits or seeking help when needed, we can ensure that our engagement with social media remains healthy in the long run.

ADHD relationships: Is adhd considered a disability?

ADHD: Types, Causes, and Strategies for Management


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting children and adults. It is characterized by difficulty paying attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. There are three types of ADHD: inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, and combined.

ADHD affected child asking for help
ADHD effected child is asking for help

The causes of ADHD are not fully understood, but research suggests that a combination of genetic and environmental factors may cause it. Some studies have found that ADHD is more common in children with a family history of the disorder and that certain brain structures may be different in individuals with ADHD. Environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins or stress during pregnancy, which may also increase the risk of developing ADHD.

Treatment for ADHD typically involves a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. Medications, such as stimulants, can help reduce symptoms of inattention and impulsivity. Behavioral therapy, including parent and social skills training, can help children and adults learn strategies to manage their symptoms and improve their functioning.

A teacher helping a child suffering for ADHD
An ADHD child with her counsellor

Ways to help children at home with ADHD include creating a structured routine, breaking down tasks into smaller steps, and providing clear instructions. Ways to help children in the classroom with ADHD, include providing accommodations, such as extra time on tests and allowing the use of a fidget, and working with teachers and other school staff to develop a behavior plan.

ADHD in college studentsADHD in high school studentsADHD in preschool and elementary school ages, and ADHD in middle school students may face unique challenges, such as difficulty with time management and organization.

Social challenges with ADHD can include difficulty making and maintaining friendships, and problems with impulsivity and aggression.

It is important for parents, teachers, and other adults who work with children to be educated about ADHD and to be aware of the available resources, such as mental health professionals and motivational speakers who can provide guidance and support.

Mental Health Professional Development is important for professionals who work with children with ADHD, as well as with parents and caregivers. Motivational speakers for youth, Motivational speakers for middle school students, Personal development keynote speakers, Motivational speakers for teens, Leadership motivational speakers, Motivational speeches for high school students, Female youth motivational speakers, and Psychologist keynote speakers are some of the resources available to those who need support and guidance.

It is important to note that ADHD is not a choice or a sign of laziness. It is a real disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. With the right support, children and adults with ADHD can learn to manage their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives.

In conclusion, ADHD is a complex disorder that affects individuals of all ages. Understanding the types, causes, and available treatment options is crucial in managing the symptoms and helping those affected lead fulfilling lives. It is important for parents, teachers, and professionals to be educated about the disorder and to be aware of the resources available to them. With the right support, individuals with ADHD can overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

Dr. Nekeshia Hammond is a child psychologist and an ADHD expert
Dr. Nekeshia Hammond is an ADHD expert